Tenant Handbook

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Fire Prevention

Inspection Suggestions

While everyone needs to know how to respond in an emergency, it is also important to take steps to prevent emergencies from occurring. We recommend a monthly Fire Safety Inspection including, but not limited to, the following items:


  • No smoking inside of the building.
  • Candles or open flames are not allowed in the building at any time.
  • Building Management does not allow space heaters, as they are a fire hazard.
  • Unplug all electrical equipment that is not working properly.
  • Do not overload wall outlets.
  • Do not use extension cords, power strips or surge protectors. It is a violation of city fire codes to use such items in a high-rise building. The Building Management Office can assist with installing additional plug outlets if necessary.
  • Keep heat-producing devices away from objects which will burn.
  • Assign someone to ensure appliances are turned off when leaving the building.
  • Store and use flammable liquids according to container instructions and city/fire regulations.
  • Do not allow accumulation of trash or waste material.
  • Do not hold suite doors or lobby doors open with doorstops.
  • Do not block stairwell doors with boxes, refuse, etc.
  • Do not block corridors or other emergency exits.
  • Potential fire hazards including, but not limited to, faulty fire protection equipment, leaks, or damaged wiring should be reported to the Building Management Office immediately.
  • Pay special attention to housekeeping in those departments that produce quantities of debris, such as duplication machines, mailing and receiving rooms.


All emergency contact lists, physically impaired employee lists and other critical information lists should be kept current. Evacuation procedures should be reviewed among Suite Monitors for appropriateness, on a regular basis. Procedures should be communicated to occupants in your assigned area at least quarterly.


When furnishing an office, consider the fire potential of materials used in large amounts, like overstuffed chairs, settees, couches or anything that could become a combustible item. Such furnishings should be flame proofed.


Where potential for fire is especially high, such as supply rooms, tenants may wish to consider installing additional fire extinguishers.  Additionally, items being stored must maintain an 18” clearance between those items and the ceiling.


Fire Safety with Christmas Trees

Christmas trees pose a major fire hazard if the proper precautions are not taken. Below are guidelines provided by the Fire Department. This list does not represent all the precautions and requirements, so before displaying any Christmas tree or ornament with lighting, please request the complete set of guidelines from the Fire Department. All artificial trees should be UL approved or labeled as flame-retardant/resistive by manufacturer. Decorations on trees must also be non-flammable.


Lights on Christmas trees must be UL listed. Small, low temperature bulbs are recommended. No candles or open flames are allowed on, or in the vicinity of, the tree, including portable heating devices. All tree lights should be turned off nightly. Live or cut trees must be appropriately treated with flame retardant and must be tagged as such the tag must remain on the tree while it is in the building. Live trees should be watered and monitored. If a cut tree becomes too dry it must be removed promptly. You may request to have your office Christmas tree removed by submitting a work order via the on-line service request system.  Please note that there is a fee for each tree removal. Please do not leave your trees in the freight lobby on your floor, as that area must be kept clear at all times in case of an emergency. 


Annual Fire Drill

Fire drills are held once each year. These are pre-scheduled and all occupants will be notified of the time and date. Fire drills will always be announced in advance. If you hear a fire alarm and there has been no prior notification, assume there is a real fire emergency. Per California State law, all occupants must participate in fire drills.


All new tenants must be trained within 14 days of taking up occupancy in the building. Training is held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Please contact the Security Director if you have questions about the training or would like to set up an alternate time for your employees.


All fire alarm initiating devices (alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, sprinkler flow alarms etc.), elevators, sprinkler systems, fire pumps, stairwell pressurization and other fire/life safety systems are backed up with emergency power. In addition, these systems are tested annually per the City of Los Angeles Fire Code. These tests will occur after business hours and sometimes requires access to tenant spaces. Testing will be scheduled in advance to assure as little inconvenience as possible.